South Shore Program
Announcing our new program on Nova Scotia's South Shore:
FREE group singing workshop series for kids ages 8 - 12, directed by Nick Halley

LEARN TO SING! No prior singing experience necessary.
When: Every Thursday, starting November 14, 2024
3:00 – 3:30 pm – hearty snacks served as participants arrive
3:30 – 5:00 pm – singing workshop
Where: St John’s Anglican Church, Lunenburg
Workshops will include instruction on singing, reading music, developing a sense of rhythm, and the study of music from the past 1,000 years, from Gregorian Chant to Baroque composers, and from Renaissance polyphony to folk songs from around the world.
Free transportation assistance is available for choristers from local elementary schools to workshops and back home. Details arranged upon registration.
Registration required: Sign up using the button above. We will send you more information and a full registration form by email.
Questions? Call (902) 703-3946.
Capella Regalis gratefully acknowledges the outstanding support for our South Shore Program from a South Shore-based private foundation.

About Director Nick Halley
Nick Halley is a celebrated and charismatic director who is passionate about making musical excellence accessible to people of all ages and abilities, and helping people to - quite literally - find their voice. Through this series of group singing workshops presented by Capella Regalis, young people on the South Shore now have the opportunity to work with Nick on a regular basis to hone their music skills. Learn more about Nick here.