Christmas Eve Midnight Mass
At the Cathedral Church of All Saints
Members of Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir and Capella Regalis Girls Choir will join the All Saints Cathedral Choir (directed by Paul Halley) to sing the Christmas Eve Midnight Mass service at the Cathedral Church of All Saints. The Maritime Brass Quintet and Paul Halley will play music for bass and organ by Praetorius, Gabrieli, Bach and Brahms at 10:30 pm. This forms the Prelude to the service proper which begins at 11 pm. The choirs, brass, and organ will offer anthems by Gabrieli, Rutter, and Howells, and the Missa Festiva by Gretchaninov. The service ends with Mulet’s “Carillon‐Sortie” arranged for brass and organ.
All are welcome to attend this musical celebration of Christmas at the Cathedral!
Event details
Date and time
Cathedral Church of All Saints
1330 Cathedral Lane
Halifax NS